วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Really Cool Things to Draw IF you Bored

Boredom and drudgery are the greatest evils. All of man's life is a tale of endeavors to escape boredom. I recommend drawing as a great way to kick it away and open the doors of creativity. Learn how to draw and discover one more way of banishing tedium and enjoying the creative process that is life.

Really Cool Things to Draw

Here are some ideas, out of my own bored brain. I've explored drawings of all kinds, independent of style, tools or surface.

Making funny cartoons and sketches of any kind is one of the coolest things you could do when you're bored. Many painters and graphic artists have found their drawing talent, when they were in dire straits of boredom, prompting them to begin sketching cartoons of their teachers and professors in exercise books.

Some of the cool things to draw on paper are cartoons and sketches of people around you. Every face around you has something uniquely beautiful and funny about it. Try to find that out. Here are some sketching samples.
Eye Sketch

Eye Sketch

Artistic Doodling

Artistic Doodling

Tree Sketch

Tree Sketch

Back to School

Back to School



Dragon Sketch

Dragon Sketch

Failed Proposal

Failed Proposal

Farm Folks

Farm Animals

Football Antics

Football Antics

Happy Goat


Happy Turkey


Lovable Shark

Lovable Shark

Pensive Man

Pensieve Man

Sea Folks

Seaworld Creatures

Skull Art


Space Mania

Space Mania

Warrior Sketch

Warrior Sketch

Wine & Cheese

Wine and Cheese

A cartoon is all about exaggerating some feature of a person's face to bring out humor. You never know when this may go from just being one of the cool things to do when bored to becoming an obsession. You could end up making a career out of this as a cartoonist, if your sketching ability is complemented with a sense of humor, particularly of the sarcastic kind. Other than cartoons, other cool things to draw are portraits, still life pictures, landscape paintings, design patterns and much more.

Draw on Walls

Drawing has been our prehistoric pastime. Our stone age ancestors gave vent to their creative drive by painting on cave walls. To this day, their descendants continue with this drawing tradition but now on walls and call it graffiti! I am sure you have seen graffiti work on walls around town. All you need is a spray gun and a wall. Graffiti is one of those really cool things you could try your hand at. Make sure that you have permission to draw on the walls you choose to make your canvas or else it may be considered to be vandalism.
Abstract Graffiti

Artistic Graffiti

Nature Graffiti

Nature Graffiti

Abstract Graffiti


Creative Graffiti


Draw with Chalk or Crayons

Say you are sitting bored in a classroom, with nothing to do and you have chalks around and a board or a set of crayons. Start drawing pictures on the board with a chalk. You could make all kinds of sketches. You could give slant cuts to chalks which will help in shading the sketches. With different amounts of pressure applied, you could create different shades. Use multiple color chalks and let your imagination run wild on the board. With crayons and paper, you can do wonders. Here are some sample drawings.
Chalk Drawing

Chalk Drawing

Crayon Color Bands

Crayon Art

Solar System

Solar System




Earth Crayon Drawing

Body Art

If you are willing to experiment, there is a traditional way of making designs on your hand with henna in India called 'Mehndi' or henna tattoos, which you could try out. Henna is a type of red-colored dye, used to color hands and hair. You must wrap henna paste in a conical roll made of plastic which has a small opening. Using this as a 'Henna Pen' of sorts, you can make minutely detailed designs on your hand.

Cool Mehendi Art

Cool Mehendi Art


Mehendi Art
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/cool-things-to-draw-when-bored.html

